September 2 - 4, 2024  |  Moscow  |  Expocentre

Exhibition news

Within the framework of the cycle of workshops and seminars “Goods, effective sales, loyal customer” of the business programme at the international exhibition HouseHold Expo 2019 which will take place from September 10 to 12 at Crocus Expo IEC, Alexey Babushkin will present a seminar “How to turn customers into friends, and friends – into customers”.

Results of the 5th contest for designers, window dressers and merchandisers “The best design and layout in a home goods store” have been announced on March 1, 2019, at Crocus Expo, Moscow. The contest was held within the framework of the exhibitions HousеHold Expo, Stylish Home. Gifts, Dacha Outdoor, Сhristmas Box. Podarki and ChemiCos 2019.


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